More about my Winter Training Exercise DVD for Yachtsmen and Motorboat Enthusiasts

Life out at sea can be a peaceful and relaxing existence— enjoying the sun and salty air on your face— but it can also be a physically demanding one. Even for the most casual of sailors, regular exercise is important, in order to keep the body prepared for whatever difficulties the open water might throw at you.

Cardiovascular health, balance, flexibility, core strength; these are just some of the crucial attributes required as a seafarer and are all covered in this Winter Training Exercise DVD for Yachtsmen and Motorboat Enthusiasts.

After speaking to several boating enthusiasts over the years, whilst enjoying a chilled glass of champagne on the Devonshire coast, I discovered that many of them suffered from aches and pains after long periods out on the deck of their beloved vessels.

Less than enthusiastic about joining health clubs or gyms, I soon decided that a straightforward, relatively short exercise routine might be the most beneficial form of prevention against their complaints.

The routines shown in this DVD don’t require any gym equipment and can be carried out in the comfort of your own home— you could even perform them on the deck of your boat!

In total, with all the exercises included, the session will take roughly 20 minutes. Perfect for those active seadogs who don’t wish to invest too much time or expense in keeping themselves shipshape.

You’ll notice that there’s no music soundtracking this DVD. This is for the simple reason that everyone has their own preferences and I wouldn’t hope to force my musical tastes on you— not everyone is as big a Thin Lizzy fan as me!

Some people prefer classical or thumping techno, others might prefer to listen to a podcast or a radio play while they work up a sweat— maybe even silence. I’ve left the choice up to you. Whatever your predilection, I hope my Winter Training Exercise DVD for Yachtsmen and Motorboat Enthusiasts can help you.

Posted by Garry Toms on November 4th 2016

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