The New Year Push: Exercises for the Over 50s

Over 50s Exercise DVD

First off I would like to say a very Happy New Year! January is well underway and with that brings the notorious New Years resolutions that we try so hard to keep. For many, it's about keeping fit and looking after your body through regular exercise, but for those of us in our 'autumn years', this presents its own unique set of challenges. 

Joining a leisure centre or gym works for a lot of people, but for others, it can be a costly and often quite intimidating experience. January naturally is a hugely busy time at gyms as people flock to get the New Year started on the right footing, causing many to take a u-turn on any fitness plans. But it doesn't need to be like that! If you want to engage in regular exercise, my Exercises for the Over 50s DVD could be just what you need.

Being in the over 50s myself, I understand the importance of maintaining a healthy and conditioned body. A well structured and planned exercise routine can bring an array of benefits, including more supple joints, improved flexibility, better cardiovascular endurance and core strength. Maintaining an active lifestyle doesn't need to take a backseat once you hit a certain age.

One of the key positives with this DVD is that it requires no special equipment, no long term memberships and importantly no time constraints. You can simply pick it up when you want to exercise and engage in a safe, tailored workout that works for you. All I recommend you need is some suitable sports clothing and an exercise mat if possible. 

After working with a range of people over the years, one of the questions I'm often asked is 'Will the DVD be too hard for me?'. Not everyone is at the same fitness level - some may have not exercised in years whilst others still regularly partake in physical activity. My Exercise for the Over 50s DVD is designed to cater for all, and includes a Beginner, Intermediate and Advanced fitness plan. Each routine can be tailored to meet your unique needs, allowing you to reach personal targets and progress in your own time.

If you're over 50 and want to take control of your exercise, health and well-being why not get started today? Anyone can enjoy the benefits of Exercises for the Over 50s, all it needs is for you to commit to getting started. You can see a taster of what the DVD includes below.

Posted by Garry Toms on January 9th 2017

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